In this week's blog, I will share with you some important websites you should know as long as you want to get transferred to the University of California.
1. Assist
For every transfer student, it is really important to fulfill the prerequisite course requirement for your intended major. The University of California states that the most important selection criteria are completion of the required preparatory courses and academic performance. To see what courses you should take for your intended major, there is a website for you to view all the articulation between DVC courses and UC schools' courses:

2. UC Transfer by Major
In Each year's transfer process, UC will provide transfer statistic data for students. There is the major transfer rate for each UC every year. Use this statistic for your reference, you can decide which major you can choose from. Take Computer Science at UC Berkeley for example, in 2019, they had 1042 applicants for this major to transfer, and they accepted 51 students.

3. Rate My Professor
We all want to have a good professor to instruct us. But how to choose a professor from a variety of them? This lifesaver website can help you. There are reviews and rates for each professor at DVC, so you can see those comments on professors and image what should it be like to be a student of him/her.

4. Tutor Service at DVC
Do you know DVC has free tutors for you if you have academic questions? Due to the covid-19, currently, all the tutor services are remote now. By clicking on the link, you can see the tutor schedule for some courses. All the tutoring services are drop-in only, you don't have to make an appointment with them.

For all the science major students, I bet it is inevitable for you to use a calculator. But if you don't have a physical one, this is an online graphing/scientific calculator tol for you to use. I found the website is clear and neat, so maybe you will find this helpful too!
6. DVC Library
To find a research paper or book for your essay or research, DVC students can use the database provided by EBSCO, and they are all free!
There are steps to get into the database:
1. Click on the DVC library link, then you will be directed into this page. Click on the star link: A-Z List of Databases;

2. Click on the star icon: Academic Search Complete(EBSCO), then you will be redirected to the search page of EBSCO;

3. The searching page of EBSCO.

These are several helpful websites I found that you might use when you are studying at DVC. Finally, I wish you a successful study path and have a good day!