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Tips for Prospective College Transfer Students

Nicole Suh

It’s overwhelming how your first two years at a community college can go by in an instant. It’s stressful when you have to manage your time wisely and at the same time try to stand out as an applicant.

My first two semesters as a first-year student at a community college have been a rollercoaster. Throughout the last couple of weeks, I sought to seek advice from alumni, transfer students who have gotten accepted into prestigious schools, and current students on making the most out of attending a community college.

Tip #1: Be Proactive

We can all agree - procrastination is our worst enemy, and well social media can be a close second. It is important to keep yourself motivated. It’s easier said than done, but keep in mind that the people you surround yourself with have an impact on your goals.

The first step to becoming proactive could be to study for your test a few weeks before rather than cramming through all of the content in just a few days. The first steps may be challenging; however, with constant effort - ultimately, it will become part of your daily routine.

Tip #2: Network

I cannot highlight this enough - networking is KEY when you are in college. If you do not have a LinkedIn account - I suggest you make one right now! Networking helps you develop skill sets and meet prospective mentors that can potentially help you enhance your career development.

The advantage of having a LinkedIn account is the ability to develop connections with strangers - strangers who might lead you to opportunities.

Tip #3: Community Involvement

Be as involved as you can during your two years! In other words, join campus clubs - whether it be clubs related to your major or clubs that you have a passion for. Being involved / volunteering allows you to build personal character. It brings more growth opportunities, and that can bring value to the community.

These are some of the tips that I thought would be a helpful reminder! These tips remind me of the importance of taking advantage of our resources and making the most out of our two years in community college.

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