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Maximize Motivation


Hi everyone! Now that we are approaching the end of the semester and the transfer application deadlines, it is common to feel stressed and overwhelmed with studying for exams, completing deadlines, and writing essays for transfers. Please know that it is perfectly normal to feel this way but there are several ways in which you can stay on top of your tight schedule and maximize the value of the limited time that you have. The way I look at it is that we would want to maximize motivation and minimize procrastination. Here are some things that we could do to increase motivation and reduce the tendency to procrastinate:

  • Set realistic and practical goals: When we are making real progress towards our goals, it makes us a lot happier. We are motivated and inspired. If we set goals that seem impractical and too hard to achieve, we could feel tired less energetic to work.

  • Tasks segmentation: we often procrastinate when the tasks seem too daunting. This is because our brain believes that we will not obtain much value from committing a certain amount of time to the task. Dividing the work properly is a way of convincing our brain to acknowledge that it takes less amount of work to complete than originally thought.

  • Focus on change rather than results: People sometimes procrastinate as a result of their perfectionism. Perfectionism can lead to procrastination in several ways, such as by making someone so afraid of making a mistake that they end up not taking any action at all, or by making someone so worried about publishing something with any flaws that they end up reworking their project indefinitely instead of releasing it when it’s ready.

  • Cultivate a growth mindset: be open to learning and making mistakes. Realizing that we're learning by failing is a motivation to take action without concern over results.

These are some ways to tackle procrastination and keep yourself when doing tedious tasks. Stay motivated and all the best on school work and transfer applications!


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