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Is it Really Possible to Transfer into a University?


Hi everyone! With the start of the semester, I know many of you are looking into what schools you want to transfer to, the many requirements you need to complete in order to go to these schools, and just the whole transfer process itself. It can be really intimidating and at times it might even seem impossible. But, no matter how overwhelming or difficult it may seem, it is possible to transfer into your dream university! Don't believe me? That's ok. Sometimes the best form of encouragement is to hear the story of people who were in the same position as you. Here are two quick stories from previous community college students who show how transferring to a university ended up being the best decision for them.

  • "I’m the first person in my family to go to college, so no one knew how to help me get ready. I missed all the big schools’ application deadlines, so I had to start at a community college instead. It’s actually better anyway because now I’m certain I want to transfer and keep going for that degree." - Keri S.

  • "My grades in high school weren’t great, so community college was my only option. Luckily, the people there saw my potential and helped me get on track with a major that fits my interests. I finished my associate degree with honors and was awarded a prestigious scholarship at my university. " - Will R.

Hopefully reading these two stories gave you a boost of motivation to help you in whatever stage you are in your transfer process. Good luck with your applications!


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