College Leap is hosting a series of webinars to guide students interested in transferring to a four-year university. We currently have over twenty universities participating in this event, including; Columbia University, Cornell University, UC Berkeley, and New York University. Successful students from each university will share information and tips regarding their transfer experience, academic and extracurricular opportunities at their university, as well as answer questions from students. This is an excellent opportunity for all students beginning their transfer journey!
Students may register for upcoming panels on our website:
Current transfer students or four-year graduates may register to be a panelist here:

Disclaimer: The information provided is shared by alumna/alumnus and only represents his/her personal experience/opinion. It is not a reliable indicator for future results, and shall not be used to replace academic advisors. Please consult with your college advisors before you make any changes to your academic plan.7 responses I have read/understand the aboveinformationI need further explanation100%I have read/understand the above information7I need further explanation0
1)Madyson abbey
Nationality American
Transfer GPA (If permitted) 3.82
Community College Jamestown Community College
Current College/ Occupation Gannon University
Transfer Result (Other Colleges you applied for. Please state if accepted/ not) Accepted/currently attending classes
Recommended professors Sarah Tranum (OT), David Kadanoff
Recommended Courses OT courses!
Extracurricular Activities SOTA Club
Application Materials : (What would you say is most important for your major? ...etc. your…