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Recommended Course: Intro to Computer Science

SUNY JCC Course Introduction: Intro to Computer Science CSC 1510 (3 credit hours) Class type: Lecture Course Description: Students will develop computer literacy by studying an overview of computing and a brief introduction to programming. Topics include a history of computers and computing, computer system components, data representation, the impact of computers on society, computer ethics, an introduction to data communications, networking, word processing, spreadsheets, programming in a structured language, and e-mail. Students will also use the Internet and a browser to access the World Wide Web. Less than 20% of class time is spent on lab exercises. Student Learning Outcomes: Students who demonstrate understanding can: 1. Create documents using application software such as a word processor or electronic spreadsheet 2. Develop electronic presentations 3. Navigate the web using browsers and search engines 4. Create simple web pages using HTML 5. Understand the development of computer programs using a popular programming language 6. Identify and select appropriate hardware and software platforms Topics Covered: - Basic computer terminology and concepts - Historical developments in computing - Application software concepts and usage - Office suites (word processing, spreadsheets, presentation) - Personal productivity software - Business software - Basic operating system concepts - File and folder management - System units and processors - Storage devices  Input/output devices - Data communication and networking - The Internet - Web content - Searching - Email, chat rooms, IM, blogs, news groups - Web page development - Introduction to programming using a current computer language - The social impact and ethical implications of computers - Computer related career options Further Information: - Course grade is determined by the instructor based on a combination of factors, including but not limited to homework, quizzes, exams, projects, and participation. Final course grade can be translated into a grade point value according to the following: A=4.0 B+=3.5 B=3 C+=2.5 C=2 D+=1.5 D=1 F=0

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