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Course recommended

Xinyi yu


Course Description:

This course will introduce the basic ideas of Newtonian Mechanics. This is a very large and interesting area of physics, and after the completion of this course, you will understand the application of many areas of physics. We will begin with a thorough discussion of the motion, including motion under the influence of gravity. We will extend our analysis from simple motion in a straight line to move along with more directions, for example by considering the trajectory of a projectile like a cannonball. After this, we will ask, “where does this motion come from?” “What makes things move?” The answer to these questions is found in Newton’s laws of motion. These three laws really encompass all the main ideas of motion - everything else is an application and can be obtained from these laws, as we’ll see. Following our discussion of Newton, we will then discuss one of the most important concepts in all of physics - the conservation laws. We will see that there are some quantities that, no matter how we twist and turn our system, these quantities always stay the same. Examples of these quantities include energy, momentum, and angular momentum. Using these quantities makes solving problems considerably easier. Next, we will consider fluids such as liquids flowing through pipes and the air pressure at various heights, ending with a basic discussion of elasticity. Next, we will discuss gravity in much more detail, discussing how planets orbit the Sun as well as some very interesting applications of gravity, including black holes. We follow gravity by a discussion of systems which are vibrating, which turns out to be an extremely important area of physics because, as we’ll discuss, many systems (such as a pendulum, electrical circuits, and even electrons in an atom) can be described as a vibrating system. Depending on the timing of the topics, and an occasional special lecture on an interesting topic will be presented.

Units: 5

Transferability: CSU and UC

Class Size: 40

Lecture Hours: TBA

GE Area: Physical and Biological Sciences

Special Notes:

- Textbook: University Physics with Modern Physics, 14th Edition, by Young and Freedman.

II. Recommended Instructor: Marina Papenkova

Review: I recommend her because of the way how she teaches is really helpful, this can be reflected mainly in 3 points.

  1. Her class include more calculus and analysis part, this would help students a lot when they are enrolling to a higher level physics class, her class may provide them a better preparation.

  2. Her lecture includes many examples of physical phenomena in real life, this would give students a better perspective on the materials.

  3. Her quiz difficulty is appropriate(Generally based on the lecture and HW, nothing tricky) and sometimes may include an extra credit problem.

  4. She will always welcome to answer your questions if you have any, really patient, and has a clear point.


The tentative grading weights will be based on:

the final (25%), quizzes (40% total), term paper(15%), discussion worksheets/homework (5%), and the labs (15% total)


Calculus II

Units: 5

Transferability: CSU and UC

Class Size: 40

Lecture Hours: TBA

GE Area: math

- Textbook: Calculus Late Transcendentals, 11th ed. by Anton, Bivens, Davis (You will have access to a free E-book on WileyPLUS. Unfortunately, you won’t be given a free hardcopy which won’t be required.)

II. Recommended Instructor: Dr. Douglas Carter, Jr.

Online Success Tips:

1. Read the course syllabus. This is extremely important! Be sure you understand all course policies, when homework assignments and tests are due, and how you will be graded. If you have questions about course policies, contact me via Canvas or directly at, so I can clarify the issue.

2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Most of the time, your confusion is shared with your peers, so asking questions not only benefits yourself but also your classmates!

3. Have a backup plan. All computers eventually suffer failures. Have a plan in case yours goes down; know where you can find a backup computer, in case of emergency, and know how to operate its various programs. Back-up or copy your homework onto your email account/ or back-up disk regularly.

4. Log onto Canvas frequently. You should try to log on at least once a day (at least five days a week and more often if possible). Develop a logon routine that's comfortable with your schedule. Online classes tend to generate large numbers of posts and announcements. If you don't log on for a few days, then you will be overwhelmed and might have trouble catching up.

5. Respond promptly to messages. In the online environment, you are invisible to the rest of the class. If you don't respond, we will think you didn't get the message or don't want to respond. When you respond it's like saying, "I'm here!" If you can't respond immediately, at least send a quick note saying, "I received your message and will reply this evening."

6. Each week check your weekly overview schedule for homework assignments etc. Give yourself plenty of time to turn in assignments, participate in discussions, and take tests. Do not wait till the last minute to turn in assignments. Did I mention, please don't wait until the last minute to turn in work. Burning the midnight oil will cause stress levels to rise.


Four tests (Drop Lowest) / 300 points

WileyPLUS Homework / 90 points

Comprehensive final exam / 150 points

Total points / 540 points

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