(1) If you plan to enroll for the first time in an English course above ENGL 209, you must first complete an English placement test. Students whose primary language is not English should first take an ESLL placement test and complete required ESLL classes before enrolling in English Department classes. Refer to the front of the schedule for placement testing information or call (650) 949-7230.
(2) Based on your English placement, our college offer three transfer-level English course options for succeeding in freshman composition at Foothill.
ENGL 1A Composition & Reading (5 units)
ENGL 1A Composition & Reading (5 units) + ENGL 246 (2-unit co-requisite support course taken concurrently)
ENGL 1S Integrated Composition & Reading (4 units) + ENGL 242A (1-unit co-requisite support course taken concurrently): This is part one of a two-quarter freshman composition course. Enrollment into 1S and 242A in the fall requires enrollment into 1T and 242B in the winter.
(3)Basic information:
5 Units
Class Size: 30 (on-campus class)
Learning Content: Techniques and practice of expository and argumentative writing based on critical reading and thinking about texts. Reading focused primarily on works of non-fiction prose, chosen to represent a broad spectrum of opinions and ideas, writing styles, and cultural experiences. Fulfills the Foothill College reading and composition requirement for the AA/AS degree and the university-transfer general education requirement in English reading and written composition.
Prerequisite: Demonstrated proficiency in English by placement via multiple measures OR through an equivalent placement process OR completion of ESLL 125 & ESLL 249.
Corequisite: For students who do not meet the prerequisite requirement, concurrent enrollment in ENGL 246A or ESLL 201A or NCEN 401A is required, depending on placement by multiple measures.Advisory: Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1AH; students may enroll in ENGL 1A or 1T, but not both, for credit.
Repeatability: Not Repeatable.5 hours lecture. (60 hours total per quarter.)
Workload: Most students think this class's work is heavy. You need to spend 6-8 hours per week on this class.
Offer Terms: Every quarter.
Foothill College GE Area: English
Transferability: CSU and UC
Transfer GE: Information regarding how this course is applied toward CSU GE/Breadth or IGETC certification is available at foothill.edu/transfer/forms/current_transfer_ge_guide.pdf
Instructor: Amy Leonard
Class Type: English 1S/T: Integrated Composition and Reading (This is a very novel way to study course 1A, which takes one quarter's course content to be completed in two quarters. So compared to the original 1A course, it will be much simpler and more relaxed in general. Many students who took this course reported that it was easy to get an A in this class.)


Instructor: Stephanie King
Class Type: English 1A Composition and Reading
Teaching Habits: She tries to bring interesting topics. Lots of extra credit. Fair and kind grader - just need to follow her instruction (MLA, structure, contents). Great feedback to improve your essay. Likes to give students a second chance to write an essay in case they messed up. Mostly the class is discussion and using video clip for example.

Instructor: Brian Lewis
Class Type: English 1A Composition and Reading
Teaching Habits: Brian is a wonderful professor and very passionate about teaching. He creates a stress-free class environment and even tries hard to learn everyone's names by the first week. Although this course wasn't easy, and he is a hard grader, as long as you do what is required, he will give you credit. Offer extra credit. He is very strict about attendance. There was a lot of reading and even more writing, but overall I really enjoy the way he teaches. He is very helpful and very understanding, go to his office hour as much as you can, that will be very helpful!

(1) Summer Bridge:
Prepare yourself for your first college English course by improving your reading, writing, grammar and study skills.
In just four weeks, Summer Bridge will help you be more confident in any class. You'll work with other students and learn from experts in diverse fields.
Spend time in a stimulating college environment
Improve reading comprehension, thesis writing, paragraph development, essay organization, and sentence structure
Develop strategies for all college classes
Boost your confidence to succeed in your fall classes
Participate in enriching field trips and activities
Get course textbooks free of charge
Receive priority registration for fall quarter upon successful completion of CNSL 5 (not required)
You're eligible for summer bridge if:
You're a high school graduate and have not yet completed an English class at Foothill College
You have taken Foothill's English placement test and the results placed you in ENGL 1S, 110 or 209( https://foothill.edu/assessment/assessment/ )
You want to refresh your English skills, prepare for college courses and/or place higher in the English course sequence
Registration Is Easy:
Apply for Foothill College and follow the instructions to activate your student ID number and MyPortal account
Schedule your English assessment test
Sign up for Summer Bridge by registering for Non-Credit English (NCEN) 400 in MyPortal
(2) Teaching & Learning Center ( CHANGE TO ONLINE---ZOOM, DURING THIS SPECIAL TIME )
MONDAY: 10 a.m.–4 p.m. TUESDAY–THURSDAY: 10 a.m.–6 p.m. FRIDAY: 10 a.m.–4 p.m
(3) Pass the Torch ( CHANGE TO ONLINE---ZOOM, DURING THIS SPECIAL TIME ) MONDAY–THURSDAY: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. FRIDAY: 8 a.m.–Noon
Pass the Torch teams will meet online via ZOOM, according to team schedules. For more information, contact Elvia Herrera by email at herreraelvia@fhda.edu.