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An important English course(Spring Course Recommendation)

Transferability: CSU and UC

Class Size: 40

Instructor: Daniel Lambert, M.A.

Required Texts:

  • Current Issues and Enduring Questions (Twelfth Edition)

edited by Sylvan Barnet, Hugo Bedau, and John O’Hara

(Loose-Leaf Edition: ISBN #978-1319-28140-3) or

(Bound Edition: ISBN #978-1-319-19818-3).

  • Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (any printed edition)

(ISBN #978-1-4516-7331-9).

Recommended Texts :

The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White

A Pocket Dictionary, such as The Random House Webster’s Third Edition

A Pocket Thesaurus, such as The New American Roget’s Revised Edition

Grading Policies:

Assignment Percentage of Grade

Classroom Participation 10%

Midterm Exam (on-campus) 10

Final Exam (on-campus) 20

Essay One (5-7 pages) 10

Essay Two (5-7 pages) 10

Essay Three (5-7 pages) 10

Oral / PowerPoint Presentation (5-10 slides) 10

Essay Four (Research Essay, 6-8 pages) 20

TOTAL: 100%

Extra Credit:

The “Word of the Day / Quotation of the Day” / “Meme of the Day” exercise described in class will add points to the participating student’s “Classroom Participation” grade (see above). You may also earn extra credit on our written assignments by attending optional library workshops and/or tutoring sessions.

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