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Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating Transfer Admission Planner (TAP)

Naomi Wiryanto

1. Go to UC Admission Planner Page at https://uctap.universityofc ex.cfm Click on “Create” to create an account OR Click on “Sign in” to our user name and Password in the “Returning Students” and click on “login”

2. Create an Account

3. Navigate through TAP Application

“Home” page has general information about TAG, Transfer Pathway, and Pathway+, and how to start your TAP application: The TAP application are divided into:

- About me - My academic history

- My Transfer Plan - Messages - RecordReview

4.About Me

You may provide the following information in this section: Personal Information:

- Contact information - Date of Birth - Student ID number at De Anza College Demographic Information (optional)

- Primary language

- Residency

- Whether being in Foster Care

- Parents level of education

- Household income in 2019 and 2020

- Gender

- Race and Ethnicity Support programs involvements (such as EOPS, STEM, MESA, TAP, Puente...)

Select any of the support programs that you participated and/or any support programs you like to participate at UC. Account Setting

To update your account setting

5. My Academic History

• Schools Attended - High Schools :(Dates attended, Type of school, Graduation date)

As a college student, there is no need to enter the high school courses. - Colleges: (Dates attended, Type of school, Whether you will complete An Associate Degree or Associate Degree for Transfer, Expected Graduation Date)

Click on “Add a school” to enter information Note: You must add Foothill and De Anza College separately.

Provide a short explanation if there is a gap between your high school graduation and First term at College. (Excluding summer term after high school graduation)

Answer the residency questions.

• Coursework

You must enter every course you have completed/attempted in colleges and universities, in the United States and out of the united States. (Any course that appears on your transcript must be reported.)

Use your transcript(s) to enter:

- Courses term by term and - Campus by campus

- All courses including: Non transferable courses, Repeated courses, courses with “W”, “D”, and “F” grade


You may report AP and IB exams, if applicable. - Click on “add exam”,and enter AP or IB

- Click on “Search” button or click on the “View all exams”

- Select the Exam from the list that appears

- Enter the score, the date you took the exam

- Click on “Add”

6. My Transfer Plan

•Select UC Campuses you are interested

- Under this section, you may select the UC campuses that you are interested in applying to, regardless of filing TAG application.

- You may select as many as you want, 1 to 9 campuses. This is for TAP application and not TAG yet.

- Under each campus, you may select a major you wish to apply to from the drop down menu.

- Select whether you are interested in TAG, UC Pathways, and/or UC Pathway+

•Select your TAG major You must enter the same major on your UC Admission Application to the TAG campus. - Review the TAG requirements for the selected campus - Review TAG Matrix - Enter the term you plan to file TAG Note: You may submit your TAG application only during submission period.

7. Messages

Here you may find messages from UC campuses regarding your TAP and/or TAG, if there are any.

8 Record Review

Do a careful review of your information & print or save your entries


Did you use your legal name? Must match the name for UC application

Did you report every course on your transcript? Report every course appears on your transcript including those you completed with grade F, D, W, and/or courses you repeated Did you include the classes in progress & planned through Spring 2021? Do you meet the UC minimum eligibility? Does your summary show at least 90 transferable units?

Does your summary show completion of the 7 GE minimum? Did you check for any transfer limitations? Did you review the information for accuracy? Check & double-check!

Have you set your alarm to complete the UC application by November 30th?


Apply for one TAG, but you may apply to multiple campuses for admission

The major for TAG must match the major you choose in the UC application or TAG is null.

Report any colleges attended including universities out of the united states

Explain any gaps in your education after high school.

Summer 2021 units do not count towards admission requirements, but can be transferred Classes taken Su 2021 must be above 90 units requirements and must be passed with a satisfactory grade to maintain admission status

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